英文歌绝对演绎my shadow歌词
作者:佚名 来源:光行资源网 更新:2022-04-05 阅读:次
绝对演绎my shadow是我爱记歌词逆风前行第四期的曲目,这是一首英文歌,所以猜歌词的难度更高了。不过没关系,下面小编就为大家带来my shadow歌词,记不住的玩家一起来看下吧。
绝对演绎my shadow歌词
《my shadow》歌词分享:
My shadow
HEAring the voice of midnight
Passing through the endless light.
How's that going to feel
Time for the show,ah
Light up the fire right now
Break the slience of all
Get ready for the revel
Then Let's get high
Callme mad call me insane
The flame, ba-blame on you ,ah
Meet me on Walk of Fame
Say hey, tomy name , em~
Never need to be the same
Make(a) pose, keep it on my way
Don't be afarid
Fire in my veins
Can't hear it?
Don't you see the smokke?
It's going down
on(the) way to run
When the mist disappears
Wear my gold crown
Turn around
A goddess from the shadow
My shadow
I'll ascend to the new throne
My shadow
A goddess from the shadow
以上就是绝对演绎my shadow歌词,更多绝对演绎相关资讯,敬请关注光行资源网。
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