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光行资源网提供的Wallpaper Engine破解版是一款功能强大的线上动态壁纸软件,客户能够在软件中感受最简单的壁纸设定,让每一个客户都能在软件中迅速完成非常简单的动态壁纸。Wallpaper Engine全新学习版早已融合了130种不一样的优选动态壁纸,让每一个客户都能在这儿一站式挑选,这种墙纸全是我用心选择,应当合乎大家的口味吧。

Wallpaper Engine破解版

Wallpaper Engine学习版还有一个小小?利,也就是成年人选择项,客户只需启用这一选择项,就能开启一个新的世界,新的大门口就给你展现出去。

Wallpaper Engine破解说明

Wallpaper Engine:壁纸引擎是由Kristjan Skutta开发的一款非常受欢迎的动态壁纸软件,其最大的特点是以极小内存和显存占用的情况下运行各种高质量的动态壁纸,包括2D和3D动画,网站,视频。并且Wallpaper Engine支持创意工坊,拥有海量壁纸资源提供下载使用,也可创建自己的壁纸并在 Steam Workshop 上分享,为您打造丰富绚丽的动态壁纸桌面效果。

Wllpaper Engine 默认全屏或切换别的应用时可以自动暂停动态效果,您也可以选择在使用其他应用程序或全屏播放(包括无边框窗口模式)时自动暂停或完全停止壁纸,以免在玩游戏或工作时分散注意力或受到妨碍。同时这款动态壁纸软件支持自定义帧数、抗锯齿等设置选项,许多微调质量和性能的选项使 Wallpaper Engine 可以完美地适配您的电脑,最大程度的节约系统资源。

由于提供的Wallpaper Engine是免除Steam登录的单机版本,所以并不支持通过Steam创意工坊来浏览和下载动态壁纸,但也无需介意,自带的130款精挑细选的动态壁纸,足够用了,虽然会占用一点硬盘空间(大约7GB),但一定不会让您失望的。您还可以通过使用 Wallpaper Engine 编辑器从图片、视频、网站或应用程序创建自己的动态壁纸,大量的预设和效果可让您为自己的图片制作动画,尽情发挥您的想象。


更新 Wallpaper Engine 本体为1.3.82最新版。



Wallpaper Engine破解版成人选项怎么开启



点上成人 然后把广受好评给去掉 你会发现新大陆。


Wallpaper Engine破解版评测

哥哥刚想说些什么,却被-只玉手捂住了嘴。 “嘘_妹妹把头凑到哥哥耳边,轻声说:

哥.... 人家想和你一起.. 起... 建设中国特色社会主义嘛.


啊..... 那里不行... 我的社会主义核心价值观.. 要缺失...


而妹妹则结合具体国情新出台了紧缩性财政政策缓解通货膨胀,吸纳了大量社会流动资金,取得了卓越成效。 “越来越紧了呢,又促进经济稳定持续增长了呢 .收获了生活水平不断提高的哥哥的-致好评。

为人民服务的工作态度. 妹妹依旧沉浸在爱岗敬业的无限快乐中,“以后. 一定要. 对人民负. 责... 哦,不然.. 我可要.. 建立信息公开制度.. 与办事公开... 制度了哟。 ”

明明那么享受中国梦... 舆论还不老实,看我不加快转变经济发展方式好好思想教育一下这不听话的妹妹:于是哥哥直起身来实施创新驱动发展战略,增强创新发展新动力,深化改革,加快转变经济发展方式的主攻方向,促进资本在全球范围内的流动;牢牢扭住经理建设为中心,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,推动了城乡发展一体化。

妹妹日益增长的物质文化需求终于无法忍受:“啊.. ... 要全面建成... 小康社会了. 实现.. 共产义. 了... 好幸福_..

”那我也要实现伟大中国梦了。 “哥哥通过市场准入规则后,实行扩张型经济政策,使大量流动资金流入市场,缓解通货紧缩,资金全部吸入市场,达到泡沫顶峰。

.. 全部投入市场了呢,这下糟糕了。 “妹妹-脸幸福地说。“ 还没完呢!“ 哥哥再次蓬勃发展的经济水平又-次的抬起了头。。 啊?! 啊__..


Wallpaper Engine破解版更新日志

补丁发布 - 壁纸翻转,静音每个显示器 & 更多


Wallpaper Engine破解版





User Interface Improvements

As with the previous updates, we have made improvements all throughout the user interface of Wallpaper Engine. The most noticeable change of this update is the revised wallpaper info section on the right-hand side which has been cleaned up and modernized according to some user feedback we have received.

Other user interface changes include a new page selection when clicking on the "..." button in the pagination in the wallpaper search and a new rotary control for certain effects in the editor that use a direction. We have also improved the playlist section for users with very long playlists by adding the ability to scroll through it while hovering over the corners with the mouse and support for scrolling with the mouse wheel through the playlist.

This release also contains significant updates to the translations of some languages which we hope improves the usability for users with limited English skills.

Removal of DirectX 9 and OpenGL & Library Updates

Starting this update, we're phasing out DirectX 9 and OpenGL. They were implemented early-on in the development of Wallpaper Engine but were never intended to be a primary feature as DirectX 10 & 11 are superior in every way (DirectX 10 has been part of the minimal system requirements for Wallpaper Engine since the beginning). Since DirectX 9 and OpenGL are rather buggy and do have some issues with rendering wallpapers properly, we have decided to fully remove them. This will only affect a small number of users who have manually enabled either of them through an advanced option in the settings. Starting this update, users will be unable to select these options in the settings and in a follow-up update we will be removing both interfaces from the application altogether.

We have also updated various libraries that Wallpaper Engine uses which brought along some measurable performance improvements for certain wallpaper elements. We have also updated CEF (the basis for web-based wallpapers) to its latest version now. This means you can now use the latest web-features in your wallpapers and this solves quite a few bugs related to web wallpapers. One downside is that you will now not be able to use Flash as part of your wallpapers anymore, though this should only affect a handful of people at best. With this new CEF update automatic muting of web wallpapers is now possible and web wallpapers will not steal focus anymore when they're used in a playlist.

If, for some reason, you are one of the few people who really need OpenGL, DirectX 9 or Flash for your wallpapers, we have now created a permanent Wallpaper Engine 1.2 release that can be enabled in the Steam properties of Wallpaper Engine. This way you can use Wallpaper Engine 1.2 with these deprecated features forever, though we officially do not support it anymore and recommend everyone to let Steam update Wallpaper Engine as usual.

Full changelog


Added flipping to scene wallpapers.

Added easier-to-use foliage sway effect.

Added auto muting to web wallpapers.

Added new rotary control for certain effects in the editor that use a direction.

Added hover auto scroll and mouse wheel support to playlist.

Added mute per monitor button in monitor selection.

Added LED source monitor selection.

Added plugin delay loading to fix startup issues with Razer/Corsair utilities.

Added user block list to fade and ignore wallpapers by selected users.

Added pagination page selection when clicking on "..." button in pagination.

Added view all projects button to editor welcome dialog.

Added search filter to open project in editor.

Added dark skin and LED options to initial welcome dialog.

Added load wallpaper rules for application rules.

Added black tray icon for Win10 light theme.


Updated to new C++ version to improve particle simulation CPU usage.

Updated new CEF version 4103

Updated FreeImage, harfbuzz and freetype libraries.

Removed DirectX 9 and OpenGL options unless they were already selected - they will be completely removed soon!

Improved video switching by hiding the window to avoid black flashes.

Experimental support for high-contrast mode on Windows 10 and no requirement for animation-in-windows option of Windows.

Improved wallpaper details UI and title bar.

Improved high-priority reliability (you need to toggle this off and on to take advantage of it).

Improved fade animation by blocking it until the new wallpaper has loaded.

Improved and largely updated translations for many languages.

Bug Fixes

Fixed rare issue with rating sorting in installed tab

Fixed invalid particle system crash.

Fixed local wallpapers rarely not loading.

Fixed certain playlist settings only being available for timer based playlists.

Fixed parallax on multi monitor to break wallpapers when mouse goes out of the viewport.

Fixed web wallpapers stealing focus on load.

Fixed corrupt colors in UI due to old CEF version.

Fixed wrong time zones on web wallpapers in some regions of Brazil and Russia due to old CEF version.

Fixed voting and fav buttons in editor browser.

Fixed text layer composition with effects copying background with wrong offset.

Hotfix 1.3.8

Fixed Wallpaper Engine settings being unusable if Windows font scaling is enabled

Wallpaper Engine破解版特色




支持多种宽高比和原始分辨率,包括 16:9、21:9、16:10、4:3。



在 Wallpaper Engine 编辑器中创建自己的动画壁纸。

从基本图片制成新的动态壁纸动画,或为壁纸导入 HTML 或视频文件。

在 Steam Workshop 上分享和下载壁纸。

Wallpaper Engine 可以与任何其他 Steam 游戏或应用程序同时使用。

支持的视频格式:mp4、WebM、avi、m4v、mov、wmv(对于本地文件,Workshop 仅支持 mp4)。

支持Razer Chroma和Corsair iCUE。


Wallpaper Engine,是一款好用的在线视频壁纸软件!用户可以在软件中体验最简单的壁纸设置,让每一个用户都能在软件中快速实现最简单的视频壁纸。Wallpaper Engine最新学习版已经整合了130种不同的精选视频壁纸,让每一个用户都能在这里一站式选择,这些壁纸都是小编精心挑选,应该符合你们的口味吧。通过实时图形、视频、应用程序或网站让您的桌面充满活力。,使用可通过鼠标控制的交互式壁纸。

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